Dignifying the African Experience.
Introduction to BRRAL
Who we are

Discover Branded Restaurant and Retail Africa Ltd – BRRAL, a dynamic restaurant and retail development & management company.

What we do

We’re passionate about identifying exceptional local restaurants and retail brands, international brands that can be licensed and developed locally, and innovative new brands that we create.

How we do it

Our secret sauce is “The BRRAL Play Book,” an in-house developed, locally contextualised Acquire- Restructure/Rebrand-Optimize Model that unlocks business growth potential from acquired brands and enhances their value proposition to customers, employees, and investors alike.

Why we are

At our core, we are a Kenya founded, African led company driven by a passion to uplift and celebrate the African experience. We believe in building African brands that not only represent our diverse cultures and lifestyles but also empower and embolden the teams behind them.
Our mission is to define and curate the African Urban Cultural Experience while forging strong strategic collaborations that promote sustainable and significant wealth creation across the continent. At the end of the day for us at BRRAL, it’s not just about doing business – it’s about building a better Africa for ourselves and for generations to come.

Our dreams and aspirations

Our ultimate goal is to create a diversified portfolio of regional restaurant and retail brand assets that we can establish across Eastern Africa and beyond. With BRRAL, we’re not just building brands, we’re shaping the future of the restaurant and retail industry in Africa.

Scale your business with us.

Building African Brands.


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